
Maha Abou Chacra //


• Contemporary painter and mixed media artist based in beirut

• Ma degree in Fine Arts- Lebanese University

• Grade : Very good

• Ministry of culture , department of exhibition.

• Arts therapy : paintings & story therapy - (make and move puppet) workshop for all age

• A board member in The Fine Arts Syndicate.

• A member in the Lebanse association of fine artists LAAPS


Solo Exhibition

• Safana Gallery – Verdun 2008

• Surcharge : Lbanese University.

• Exode Gallery – ashaefieh- 2019

Collaborative Exhibitions

• Autumn Exhibition – Sursock Museum- 2004-2006-2008

• Gallerlist Exhbition2010- 2011

• Ministry of Culture – Unesco Palace

• Hazmiye Municipality 2018

• Exode Gallery & The Ukrainian Embassy – Zaintunay Bay – Yacht Clu)

• Frensh Cultural Center 2019

• Differnt collaboration with Lebanese association of fine artists LAAPS

• Diffrent Collaborations with The Fine Artists Syndicate


My Work is a Psychological Self-Knowlege, starting from the personal to the general in order to achieve a journey of communication between the soul and the mentality from which we proceed to life with its reality and all its details. This trip of the self and its appreciation comes after understanding the inner child who sits inside us with all his strength that help us to understand the pain and the conflict that takes place between concepts such as death, fear, joy, illness,...and dealing with all the feelings that are generated from the ideas in my living research which is finally based on the Self Esteem.

Understanding the ideas and the feelings they generate is a part of the process of total healing through art, by delving into the artistic work and the elements that represent the composition of lines, colors, shapes and textures. It's a sincere manner to create my own unique world which is formed of human experiences that I share with my community. It's my distinguished and exceptional way to reach my Heroic Inner Child and to show it to you.

Find Maha Abou Chacra on:

+961 78 848 806

Achrafieh, Saint Nicholas St., facing the church

Opening Hours
Opening hours

Mon to Fri:   12 pm -  6 pm
Sat and Sun: Closed
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