
Ralph Hage //


Ph.D. Semiology, University of Quebec in Montreal. September 2005. Title of thesis: The Ethics of Identity. Postgraduate Certificate. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Chester. February 2013. M.A. Art History, University of Montreal, April, 1998. Title of thesis: Mimetic Rivalry and the Mythological Construction of Paul Gauguin. B.A. Art History, University of Montreal, December 1994. PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 2020 – Present: Full-Professor, Lebanese University, Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, Beirut, Lebanon. 2013 – 2020: Assistant Professor, Lebanese University, Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture, Beirut, Lebanon. 2005 – 2013: Assistant Professor, University of Holy Spirit, Kaslik (USEK), Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture. Jounieh, Lebanon. 2005 – 2007 / 2013: Assistant Professor, Part-Time, Lebanese American University, School of Arts and Science / School of Architecture and Design. Autumn 2004: Adjunct, CEGEP of Abitibi Temiscamingue, Program of Visual Arts, Quebec, Canada. Autumn 2002: Adjunct, University of Quebec in Montreal, Department of Communications, Montreal, Quebec. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS

• Beit Beirut Museum, 10th - 30th of August 2023, Beirut, Lebanon. • 392Rmeil393, March-May 2020, Beirut, Lebanon. • Salon du Livre, November 2018, Institut Français, Beirut, Lebanon. • Institut Français, November 2017, Saida, Lebanon. • Art Maps, July – August 2016, Ponte de Lima, Portugal. • Xanadu, September 2005, New York, USA. • La Fabriq Gallery, August 2005, Montreal, Canada. • Agial Gallery, August 2004, Beirut, Lebanon. • Art NDG, March 2002, Montreal, Canada. • Port-Maurice Gallery, July 2001, Montreal, Canada. • Salles Gésu, May 2001, Montreal, Canada. • Museum of Modern Art, August 2000, Carthagena, Columbia. • La Seigneury Gallery, September 1999, Montreal, Canada. • Salles Gésu, February 1999, Montreal, Canada. • Sursock Museum, December 1998, Beirut, Lebanon. • Strathearn Centre, November 1997, Montreal, Canada. • Maison de la Culture Côte-des-Neiges, October 1997, Montreal, Canada. • Quartier Éphémère Gallery, October 1996, Montreal, Canada. • Espace 303, October 1996, Montreal, Canada. • Sac Gallery, November 1994, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada. COLLECTIONS • National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. • PUBLICATIONS

• “Necessary Victims: Shakespeare’s Tragic Ethics of Identity”. Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture, Vol. 27, (2020): pp. 125 - 155. • “Violent Identity: The Coliseum and the Narrative of Death”, Art and Architecture, Journal of the Association of the Arab Faculties of Fine Arts, No 1, May 2019: 49 – 58. • “Of Contemporary Art and Obedience”, Research Publications, The Center of Research on Sustainable Development, N. 13, (2018). • “Protecting Identity: Violence and its Representation in France, 1815 – 1830”, Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture, Vol. 25, 2018, pp. 49–78. • “Against Irrationality: On Active Learning in the Arts and Humanities”, Research Publications, The Center of Research on Sustainable Development, N. 12, (Spring 2018) : 3 – 16. • « Anorexie, boulimie et dévastation environnementale : l’unité mimétique des conséquences de la publicité », Research Publications, The Center of Research on Sustainable Development, No 9, (Winter 2017) : 34-47. • “Pictorial Symbolism and the Philosophical Savage”, Art and Architecture, Lebanese University Press, No 6, (2016): 65 – 72. • “Louis the XIVth and Zoen: Reflections on Two Options of Modernity Through Landscape Architecture”, Art and Architecture, Lebanese University Press, No 5, (2016): 4 – 9. • “Addressing the Problem of Plagiarism”, in Le Plagiat Fléau du XXIe Siècle, ed. Nicole Chalhoub, (Jounieh, Presses de L’Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik, 2013): 299 – 306. • « L'éthique de l'identité », Annales de philosophie et des sciences humaines, N° 22, (2006): 73 – 78. • “Savage Strategies”, Third Text, London, Vol. 16, Issue 2, (June 2002): 167 – 182. • “The Oscillating Structure of Disguise”, Contagion, Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture, Number 9, (Spring 2001): 167 – 184. • “An Orientalist Identity”, Misna, Vol.3 Number 1, (May 2001): 21 – 25.

Find Ralph Hage on:

+961 78 848 806

Achrafieh, Saint Nicholas St., facing the church

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Mon to Fri:   12 pm -  6 pm
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