
Youssef Ghazaoui //

Youssef Ghazaoui is a French-Lebanese painter, award winning artist with a great history in fine arts, including research and publications, currently supervising doctoral dissertations at the Doctoral Higher Institute, previously professor and chief of the fine arts department at the Lebanese university. He is a PhD holder from University of Paris VIII with a very honorable degree in Plastic Arts, holder of a BA in Fine Arts from The Lebanese University, he flew to study in France after receiving a grant. Dr. Ghazaoui also specialized in stained-glass art, he contributed in restoring valuable stained-glass collections in France including churches and historical architecture sites. He exhibited his art in a large number of solo and group exhibitions in Lebanon and abroad, especially Paris, and one of the most prominent exhibitions is the Meralda project that celebrated the first centenary of the construction of Eiffel Tower. Dr. Ghazaoui participated in a lot of competitions and received many awards, he was the subject of many articles by various art magazines and newspapers. After returning to Lebanon in 1993, he resumed his career as an artist and held local and international exhibitions (Beirut, Geneva, Doha, Paris etc.) Dr. Ghazaoui published several books, articles and researches, such as “Guernica Al Khiyam” and others. His paintings are very nostalgic to a time he adores, and he escapes there through his memories in this difficult time. A memory remaining absent, trying to capture it with his art. Describing the beauty of his native village in a very unique abstract style, using symbols such as birds, wooden ladders, labyrinths of people with strong colors and composition to match the scenery

Solo Exhibitions:

2019: Aquarelle, Galerie Exode, Beyrouth, Liban 2014: Khiam, Liban. 2014: Univ. AUCE, Nabatieh, Liban 2013: Palais de lUnesco, Beyrouth, Liban. 2007: Palais de lUnesco, Beyrouth, Liban. 2005: Galerie Zaman, Beyrouth, Liban. 2004: Palais de l`Unesco, Liban. 1999: LAAPS, Beyrouth, Liban. 1997: LAAPS, Beyrouth, Liban. 1994: Dar el- Nadwa, Beyrouth, Liban. 1993: FIAP, Paris. 1992: Galerie CAEPO, Paris. 1989: Galerie Bernanos, Paris. 1988: Galerie Bernanos, Paris

Collective Exhibitions:

2020: -Ghandi, Tripoli, Liban

2017: -Galerie "K", Rouché, Beyrouth

2014: -Palais de l`Unesco, Liban.

2013: -Dar el- Nadwa, Beyrouth, Liban -Symposium de Rass el- Matn, Liban.

2012: -Zaw iya (Angle plastique), Biel, Beyrouth, Liban. -LAAPS, Visual Art III, Unesco, Liban

2011: -Centre M. Tawil, Khiam, Liban. -Forum Visual Art II, Unesco, Liban. -Pomme pour le poete M. Darwich (Installation), Café Zawaya, Beyrouth, Liban. -Zawiya (Angle plastique), Biel, Beyrouth, Liban.

2010: -Exposition permanente, Faculté des Beaux- Arts I, Liban. -Joubeyl, Liban.

2008: -La maison laiique, Hamra, Beyrouth, Liban.

2006: -Visions et créations, LAAPS, Dbayie, Liban. -Les lumières de l`amitié, Unesco, Liban. 2003: Unev. NDU, Dayr al- Kamar, Liban. -Unesco, Liban. -Expo. 6 Novembre, Syrie.

2002: -Symposium Alay, Liban. -6 Novembre, Syrie. -NDU, Dayr al- Kamar, Liban. -LAAPS, Saida, Liban. 2001: Qana, Liban. -Ehden, LAAPS, Liban.

  • LAAPS, Expo. À travers le Liban: Tyr, Nabatieh, Zahlé, Shouèr, Joubeil, Ehden, Beyrouth).
  • La Francophonie, Centre Beyrouth, Liban. NDU, Dayr Al- Qamar.

1999: -Zahlé, Liban. -Tyr, Liban. -La fete de l`armé, LAAPS, Liban.

  • Lexposition permanente, LAAPS, Liban. -Faculté de leducation, Beyrouth, Liban. 1998: La fete de l`armé, Unesco, Liban. -la fete des roes, Zahlé, Liban. -Tyr, Liban. 1997: Mokhtarat, Jal Eddib, Liban. -Tyr, Liban. -Galerie Station des Arts, Liban.

1996: -LaAPS, (Tipoly, Nabatieh, Batroune, La fete de l`armé, Rashaya, Daraj el- Fann, Beaklinn, Cana ..etc).
-Essais modernes, centre culturel francais, Beyrouth, Tripoly, Zahlé… etc.

1995: -Dar el- Nadwa, Beyrouth. -Musée Sursok, Beyrouth, Liban. -Daraj el- Fann, Beyrouth, Liban. -Salon de printemps, Beyrouth, Liban. -Participation à l`exécution du mural "Souvenir ouvert", Groupe "Essais modernes", Beyrouth, Liban.
-Essais modernes, Beyrouth, Liban. -Riwak plastique, Haret Houreik, Liban.

1994: -Six expériences modernes, Salle du Tourisme, Beyrouth, Liban.

1992: -32ème Salon "Grands et Jeunes daujourdhui"/ Grand Palais/ Paris.

1991: -Institut du Monde Arabe/ Paris. -8ème Salon du XIVème arrondissement de Paris au FIAP.

1990: -7ème Salon du XIVème arrondissement de Paris au FIAP/ Tableau sélectionné pour laffiche et la carte dinvitation..


  • Mairie du VIème arrondissement de Paris.
    "Artistes du monde"- thème: La Révolution Française/ Galerie Bernanos/ Paris. Participation au projet MIRALDA: execution d`une mosaïque en sucre pour le Centenaire de la Tour Eiffel- Trocadéro/ Paris.

1988: -"Artistes du monde"/ Galerie/ Paris. Galerie CAEPO/ Paris. DRJS concours "Les Etoiles de la peinture 1988"- tableaux sélectionnés, 5 meilleurs tableaux sur 300/ Hotel SOFITEL- Paris/ La Défense. Prix: une bourse de trois mois du Gouvernement français.

1987: -"Artistes du monde"/ Galerie Bernanos/ Paris. -FIAP/ Paris.

1983- 1985: Beyrouth / Liban.

Find Youssef Ghazaoui on:

+961 78 848 806

Achrafieh, Saint Nicholas St., facing the church

Opening Hours
Opening hours

Mon to Fri:   12 pm -  6 pm
Sat and Sun: Closed
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